Friday, December 7, 2012

Picture of a picture

It's a bit silly I know, but I wanted to share this one and am not near my laptop where it is stored.  I happen to have this picture of the picture on my phone oh thank goodness for all the technology we are blessed with (or cursed, I'm not sure which sometimes)  :)

The sweet little guy is Mr. Matthew Holden he blessed us with his presence back in October.  And the amount of love for him is amazing.
I was asked to take his first pictures (and lots more in the future i hope) of all the shots I took and printed this one was my favorite. 

The set up for this shot was quite simple, I used a couple of yards of black flannel for my seamless background a couple receiving blankets under the flannel for a bit of padding for his little body.  Grabbed a couple of childrens classic books from my daughter and set it all up on top of the dryer in the laundry room.  Using my speed light pointing at the ceiling.  Not hard at all.  And every time I look at it I can't help but smile. 

I don't know if I can say it is my favorite photo in the house, but I can promise it is in the top 100 (that is pretty awesome considering the thousands of photos I take per year)

I was just with this little guy(and Miss Kashly) again this past week and the photos are still on my camera waiting to surprise me with their awesomeness.  I can't wait for my next day off so I can play with them (crop, edit, print and such is my kind of play) 

I must go for now. 
Until next time, keep your shutters fluttering!

Have a great day

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Why do I do this anyway?

"This"  this what?  And why?  I ask myself this all the time, and I'm not sure I know the answer.  The photo is of my camera Stephen bought it for me for my birthday when the d60 was hot out of the factory.  I love taking pictures. That is what "this" is today and well the why...that's still got me a bit puzzled.   All I really know is I like to take them.  I like going back years later and sparking that memory trigger of the time and place.  Now the picture my be a silly little flower growing in the sidewalk crack, but what I will remember from that photo is a trip with my whole family(mom dad brother his family and my own) from the second we stepped onto the beach to the emergency trip to walmart before getting on the road to come home.  Most every picture I take is like that. I do enjoy taking posed photos for my dear family so they have their own memories but my favorites are the unplanned spur of the moment shots collecting on my phone, cameras, computer and of course my walls.  so the "this" I'm doing is collecting moments.  The "why" for now is for reflecting on when my girls bring their babies over I can say to their grandpa (it'll be fun to call Stephen that one day) "you remember when..."  to which he will undoubtedly answer with a "yup" or and "uh-huh"

Thanks for reading the crazy rambling
Until next time, have a great day

Go collect some memories to reflect on later :)
