That's right, I got a real chance to do senior pictures and what better senior than one that don't judge me about my ability(or lack thereof). This was so much fun for me, a photo shoot a full year in the making but fun nonetheless. I hope to get the chance to do senior photos again. I will say that as outgoing and head strong as she seems to you she is quite shy when it comes to being in front of the camera. Now maybe she isn't like that with everyone but she was with me. I not sure really why she was so tense sometimes because my only request was that she just be herself. Most of the time it only took a few clicks of the shutter when she wasn't paying attention to get her to relax a little(some of my best photos of her are when she wasn't trying to pose) We did photos for all seasons except winter...not sure why she wouldn't go out tromping through the 15+ inches of snow we got last February with me to get some winter shots. Anyway, we started with summer shots at the lake, then I got a new point and shoot camera that takes underwater photos I jokingly mentioned we should do some underwater shots for fun. I didn't think she would really want them as her senior photos but she did. Now I love everything about this photo. The green is green, the blue of the pool just pops, her hair(I love the color of her hair) EXCEPT that silly truck in the background! I hated that it ruined my favorite shot (she loved that part about it-her and her momma both) Most "real" photographers would say "oh no that won't work" there is garbage in the background, the light on her face is too splotchy there are too many shadows or some mess like that, but you can see her reflection in the water and the waters light on her pretty face is awesome. In this photo, I don't recall just what she was looking at, but it was one of those moments that she wasn't paying me any mind and I was clicking away and captured "just Nikki". As it turns out this photo has wiggled it's way into my favorites file. I don't know why, honestly, when I first previewed it before printing I hated it, but every time I open it up I see how all the things I love far out weigh the one thing I hated about it.
Thanks for reading, have a great day.